April 24, 2024 2:50 AM
Board of Directors Election Company Logo

Voting Instructions:


To access the online ballot, enter the Date of Birth* and the Last Four Digits of Your Social Insurance Number** below. Then, hit enter or click on Login.


For your Date of Birth use the format YYYY-MM-DD, including the dashes. For example, if your date of birth is May 15, 1901, you would enter 1901-05-15


Online voting begins Monday, April 3, 2023 at 12:01 a.m. and ends Sunday, April 16, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. CST.


Reflecting on Innovation’s Strategic Plan, the Board is seeking individuals with the following experience in:
Risk Identification and Management: experience in developing and overseeing risk frameworks in large, complex organizations. It also includes having the knowledge and ability to understand the:
  • Level to which the Board oversees risk management through management’s reporting
  • Use of tools/metrics used by management to manage risks
  • Areas of risk to which the credit union may be exposed, and the risk management framework and policies of the credit union.
IT and Security: strong background in information technology or have held senior positions in a company that has undergone a significant technological transformation. It also includes having the knowledge and ability to:
  • Direct and govern technology strategy development
  • Conduct organizational planning and investment to maximize the competitive use of technology to enhance performance levels at all levels of organization
  • Make quality judgements and decisions on business technology and data use
  • Oversee technology risk
Digital Technology: understanding the value proposition of digital technology for the credit union. It also includes having the knowledge and ability to:
  • Experience with evaluating digital technology alternatives and implementing solutions
  • Experience in digital transformation
  • Digital platform development
Commercial Credit: strong background in lending, specifically in commercial. This includes having the knowledge and ability to:
  • Direct and govern policies surrounding commercial lending
  • Understand the risks associated with different levels of lending
  • Previous senior experience in commercial lending from a credit risk perspective
  • Provide oversight, understanding and challenge to the level of risk and any potential impact in the loan portfolio.
Other Areas of Expertise: In addition to the previously noted qualifications and competencies, the Committee is seeking knowledge, expertise, and experience related to the legislative, regulatory, and legal requirements of the credit union.

Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD) - including the dashes*
Last Four Digits of your Social Insurance Number**

*Businesses/Organizations use your Account Number instead of Date of Birth
**Businesses/Organizations use your Delegate Last Name instead of Last 4 of SIN
If you have any questions about this election, please email innovationcuhelp@cues.org or call 1.866.446.7001.

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